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Playground inspection: Digital Software EineStadt

✔️ Modern, fast playground inspection according to DIN standard
✔️ Digital playground cadastre & digital forms
✔️ Ensure safety for citizens & children

Why playground inspection software?

A playground means fun and movement and is therefore the figurehead of a municipality. Safe and modern or old and rusty? To ensure that your playgrounds are always in the best condition, the EineStadt maintenance software provides a comprehensive solution for playground inspection. The application simplifies playground inspection with digital checklists and protocols as well as a digital playground cadastre including a map - everything in one app and from a single source.

With EineStadt, playground inspectors manage all information decentrally and have an overview of upcoming inspections or repairs of playground equipment. At the same time, the playground control software ensures that work processes are completed up to five times faster and safety on the playground is ensured.

The special NFC tags for screwing or gluing for playground control can withstand any temperature and weather. The inspector holds his tablet to the NFC tag and is taken directly to the input form for the correct object. Attributes can be edited there and it is legally proven that the inspector was actually at the object. 

Safe playground equipment according to the DIN standard with the playground inspection app

In addition to comprehensive working documentation for the prescribed inspections according to DIN standard, a fully-fledged digital playground cadastre can be captured easily.


EineStadt offers the unique opportunity to involve citizens. With the EineStadt defect reporter anyone can easily report problems online using their smartphone, without having to download an app. In this way, defects are quickly eliminated and the safety and high quality of the playground is guaranteed at all times.

Karte Browser

Other companies and external service providers get integrated easily into the playground inspection software and thus into the workflow. Thanks to complete work documentation and an integrated reminder function, the duty to playgrounds safe is complied with at all times. Your city and the children are on the safe side! 


Thanks to checklists and forms, it can be proven, if required, if a playground inspector was at the location of a  toy and what exactly he documented. You can simply export it as a log after the playground check, print out and thus prove compliance with safety in a legally secure manner.

Advantage of digital playground control software

Take the step towards digitization with the playground inspection app

Spielplatzkontrolle Blick in die App

We know exactly: The first step towards digitization is always the most difficult. But once the first hurdle has been taken, you will see. Digital software for playground control definitely saves costs and time. Playground equipment can be controlled up to five times faster and more effectively. Deficiencies and tasks are typed into the system on site or simply recorded by voice input or photos. Finally, the data can be called up and processed decentrally from anywhere in real time.


Forms in EineStadt are displayed clearly and simply for this purpose, so that even playground inspectors without much technical experience can work with the EineStadt system easily and quickly. Your employees only need a suitable device – and off you go. Convince yourself of the numerous advantages of digital management!

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Erfahren Sie in unseren spannenden Anwenderberichten mehr über die Spielplatzkataster-Software EineStadt und die Entstehung unseres Systems in Schwabmünchen. 

Die Entstehung der Anwendung EineStadt in Schwabmünchen am Beispiel Spielplatz-App – und so bringt Thomas Bernert die NFC-Chips am Spielgerät richtig an.

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Digitize playgrounds with the inspection software EineStadt

Are you finally considering managing the playgrounds in your city digitally?

Just contact us - we will be happy to explain to you in a short presentation or in a personal conversation how you can simplify your playground inspection with our software - for better processes and guaranteed safe, modern playground areas in your city.


Incidentally, with EineStadt not only play equipment can be managed, but also rubbish bins, dog toilets, streets, hydrants and much more - even a digital cemetery management is  possible with our software. Interested in the other areas of application for our property management software? We look forward to your inquiry!

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