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Road inspection with EineStadt

✔️ Moderne, digitale Straßenkontrolle dank Software nach DIN-Normen

✔️ Sichere Straßen & Brücken in der ganzen Stadt

✔️ Erinnerungsfunktion, Tracking & PDF-Export in der Straßenkontroll-App

Digital road control

Road damage is entered directly on the map and then opened with a click. The damage is described in more detail in the digital input form, either with text or via voice input. Optical damage can easily be documented with a photo, a description and the type of damage (bulging, opening, etc.)  and other measures are recorded. Pending work can be transmitted directly to other users of the road control software.

Digital road control

Road damage is entered directly on the map and then opened with a click. The damage is described in more detail in the digital input form, either with text or via voice input. Optical damage can easily be documented with a photo, a description and the type of damage (bulging, opening, etc.)  and other measures are recorded. Pending work can be transmitted directly to other users of the road control software.

Your personal overview map
in the  Road control app 

Keep track of the damage that has been repaired outside in the office. With daily, weekly or monthly overviews you can see which claims are still open. Colored maps are a powerful tool here and save you a lot of queries to employees. If desired, positioning services that run in the background on the smartphones can automatically ensure that the employees were actually on site. 


Export lists to Excel or PDF to find out how much road damage has been recorded and repaired in recent months and years.

Optionally, road traffic can be automatically recorded in the background in order to provide evidence should property or personal injury occur.

EineStadt Straßenkontrolle

Save time and money with EineStadt

Contact us to find out how you can optimize your work processes with EineStadt property management and thus save time and money. Simplified processes, everything digital and no more manual typing - your team will thank you. 

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