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Winter service app from EineStadt

✔️ Winter service software for planning operations and orders

✔️ Reliable winter service documentation: Automatic GPS tracking

✔️ Legally secure: Prooving and accessing at any time

✔️ Snow clearing app for communities & companies

Reliably ensures safety on icy and snow-covered streets

As soon as the first snow falls and streets and sidewalks become a "danger zone" due to icy conditions, the "clearing and gritting obligation" has top priority in a community. The council depot, the administration and winter service providers are obliged to ensure traffic safety during the cold season - and to reliably remove snow and ice from the traffic routes. For efficient and legally compliant winter road maintenance, numerous local governments in Europe already rely on digital software for winter road maintenance.

In the EineStadt Maintenance Software for the winter, the location and time of all vehicles in action gets captured completely and fully automatically. If property damage or personal injury actually occurs on the traffic routes, the documentation of routes can be transmitted at any time. This reduces the liability risk drastically.

Winter service software in practice: How the app works

Winterdienst auf dem Tablet

Work often starts early for the winter service – and the system adapts: As early as midnight, the order for a first inspection is automatically generated for a member of staff in charge. If he notices during the inspection that the winter service is needed, this order is also created automatically. The winter service app always reminds staff members of the operations by message.

Once in the operating vehicle, the smartphone or tablet only needs to be attached to the holder and switched on. The staff member logs in, opens the map and presses "Record".

While driving, he can always see his own location through a blue dot on the map. A red line describes the route to be driven. After the ride, it first turns yellow, then green. During the entire recording, the red "Record symbol" in the winter service app pulsates.

Documenting special features

While driving, the winter service can easily document special features or problems in the digital app:

With hand or pen, by voice input or with a photo, grievances are quickly documented. The concerned road section is marked accordingly on the map.

The problem can be forwarded in the winter service software directly to colleagues or external companies to have it solved.

Umgestürzter Baum während dem Winterdienst

Planning winter service orders with the software for winter service

Winterdienst Planung im Kalender

The EineStadt winter service app finally provides an overview of the planning and organisation of orders and ensures the ideal route optimisation.


In a calendar, the trips for the next few days and weeks can clearly be seen. New orders are simply planned digitally and assigned to another colleague in the event of absence or illness.


Tour number, number plate and further details can be captured individually for each order.

For an additional overview, the route network can be divided into zones and assigned to the individual colleagues. The routes can be marked with pins in different colours - these disappear as soon as the emergency services have been on site. Last but not least, it is possible to set the program if the colleague has to record information on salt, grit or brine.

Legally compliant winter service:
Documentation, drafts & evaluation in the winter service software

After the tour, the winter service app reliably evaluates data: The principal always receives a message as to whether all routes have been driven. The cleared routes are visible on the map and can be forwarded as a PDF for individual reports – including photos of special conditions on the route.

Sliders can be used to select individual drivers when supporting documents are to be displayed. This evaluation can be exported in table form as Excel or PDF. If necessary, it is possible to determine exactly how much grit, brine and salt were used in the year. Interfaces between the winter service software and external order and accounting systems are already in use, too.

PC Display mit Auswertung in Karte

Advantages of the winter service app

Winterdienst Dokumentation der Handräumung

Whether for your community, the building yard, council depot or the external winter service provider: The EineStadt software ensures traffic safety on the roads in winter and provides numerous other advantages:

  • Tracking is possible not only in the vehicle, but also during manual clearing. To document the winter service, it is sufficient to take the device with you. 

  • Tracking also works offline over long distances.

  • An unlimited number of vehicles can be on duty with the system at the same time.

  • "Technically inexperienced" colleagues can easily cope with the system.

  • Data protection: Exact timestamps are blanked out for data protection reasons, but can be released on request from the manufacturer if necessary.

  • Details such as an alarm in the event of upcoming operations make the system irreplaceable and prevent the winter service from missing anything.

  • An advantage in times of Corona, home office and the like: With the EineStadt winter service app, decentralised management of pending tasks is possible at any time from anywhere.

By the way, EineStadt can of course also be used ideally as a street cleaning app or street control app to record defects and problems.

Winter service app EineStadt in operation

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Learn more about EineStadt's digital winter service in practice in our exciting user reports.

Winter service app EineStadt in operation in Wackersdorf  (Bavaria) – a success story!

Read it now!

EineStadt: Software for winter road service – soon also in your community

An up-to-date road network from the local land surveying office is required for the digital winter service. In Bavaria, this is the "State Office for Digitization, Broadband and Land Surveying". Depending on the contract between the community and the state office, the road network is usually free of charge. This will then be integrated into the cloud-based app by the company EineStadt. Your IT doesn't have to deal with hosting or anything like that.


What all your staff members now need is a tablet or smartphone with Android or iOS, a holder for the windscreen – and the EineStadt license. The digital winter service can already start.

If we have aroused your interest, simply contact us. Together we will work out a solution for exactly your operational area. We will explain our winter service software to you in detail in a presentation, and we will also answer all your questions.

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