Water management with EineStadt
Digital inspection via app
The water supply is the alpha and omega of our daily life. The maintenance of hydrants, for example, plays an important role here. Rescue in case of fire they even live. In order to simplify the control of the hydrants, EineStadt offers special NFC hanging tags that are attached to the street cap. This is short once every time a waterproof smartphone is used on the telescopic pole touched. The rest is done by the EineStadt property management software in the background: "Hans Meyer was at the hydrant no. 567 on January 21, 2020 at 12:32 pm and did a flush".
The hydrant sign is missing or if the rinsing water is dirty, this can also be recorded directly when the chip is scanned. Manage hydrants, meters, gate valves, shafts, flaps, house connections, water levels and many more easily with the EineStadt software. Very uncomplicated and completely digital.
Documentation of inspections and tasks
Dokumentation der Kontrolle
Dokumentation der Kontrolle
The waterproof NFC tags for water supply can get easily mounted to the hydrant, valve, meter or shaft etc. They are either glued or attached with a wire rope or drilling screw.
Users hold their smartphone or tablet near to the NFC tag and get directly referred to the individual inespection form for the respective water network object.
The NFC tags get economically mounted during an inspection or maintenance tour and get written with their respective number. No specialist knowledge is necessary for this.
Simple, digital inspection reports
Once you reach the inspection form, defects and measures can get captured. Touching the NFC tags ensures that the inspector was actually at the water network object and opened the valve. This makes it possible to prove that the mandatory inspections or maintenance action were complied with.
By touching the NFC tags, the appropriate form opens directly with your smartphone.
In addition to general information and defects, activities such as flushing or a meter reading can also be captured and saved in a history.
Speech-to-text can also be used for longer notes.
Integrate your inspection protocols individually into the application. Every paper protocol can be digitized 1:1 with EineStadt.
Assign measures internally and externally
Measures can be created individually and determined depending on the responsible employees. A date by which the measure should be completed can also get inserted.
If the measures were not carried out in time, the system sends a message reminding you of the outstanding measure.
Even if an inspection was not carried out on time, the responsible employees get warned by the system.
Tasks cannot therefore be forgotten and are always documented digitally - they can be verified at any time, especially in the event of property damage or personal injury in connection.
You have full control over the users of the system. External employees can be granted correspondingly fewer authorizations in the program.
Clear, digital water network map
Keep track of your open inspections and measures. Wherever there is an open task to be completed, a pin is shown on the map.
Defective sliders, shafts, meters, etc. are shown with a signal color on the map.
Open the map on your PC, smartphone or tablet. You can draw any number of water network objects and lines on the map.
Alternatively, you can also have your GIS data automatically transferred to the app. Standardized interfaces such as WMS/WMTS/WFS transmit data in both directions. When employees create a new hydrant on their smartphone, it gets automatically transferred to the GIS in a few seconds - and the same way backwards.
Let us advise you individually.
Digital management of the drinking water network
A digital map allows you to see which water network objects have already been checked and maintained outside. There are still tasks to be completed where pins are shown.
Tasks can be planned in a practical calendar tool. Recurring tasks such as checks or maintenance can be repeated at fixed time intervals. Employees are reminded of their tasks through the app.
New hydrants, valves, taps, meters or pipes can be drawn on the map at any time. Both in the app and on the PC.
Lines and water network objects can also be displayed and synchronized live with a desktop GIS.
A city in action
Digitale Verwaltung von Objekten im Wassernetz mit der Wassermanagement-Software EineStadt in der Praxis – erfahren Sie mehr!
Hydranten, Zähler, Schieber, Schächte, Klappen, Hausanschlüsse und noch viele weitere Objekte lassen sich bechippen und mit Hilfe der App in Schwabmünchen erfolgreich verwalten.
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