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Easily record Tree Populations via App

What do you do with areas full of small, young trees that are not yet relevant for control? A costly survey of individual trees would not make sense here, or as one would say "is not worth it yet".

Ingo Kessler agrees. Nevertheless, he would like to have a tool for planning jobs around young trees - preferably in EineStadt! The tree expert Ingo Kessler therefore approached us with the idea of being able to record tree populations in our application.

Jungbaum digital erfassen

Complex recording of individual trees -

Ingo Kessler sees a solution

"The individual recording of all woody wildlings or young trees between the larger trees that have already been recorded is often completely excessive and difficult to communicate, both in terms of effort and financially," reports tree expert Ingo Kessler from his own experience. With his assessment, he was able to make a major contribution to the new application of the EineStadt maintenance software.

"The recording of a whole area provides a better overview of the entire tree population and makes it easier to assign measures." Occasionally, measures relevant to road safety may actually be necessary in these areas, such as the removal of deadwood. Sensible measures can also be taken with regard to road safety in the future, e.g. in relation to undesirable developments.

Implementation: Wooded Areas are now recorded via App

The new method of recording whole tree populations now offers the necessary flexibility to manage young trees and shrubs, their condition and sensible maintenance recommendations using the EineStadt tree inspection software. This allows measures to be planned digitally and clearly - also with regard to the future and the development of the tree population. Anomalies that could affect road safety in the future can also be recorded at an early stage.

Ingo Kessler describes the possibilities: "I can combine many individual trees into an area, draw them on the map and then indicate the approximate proportion of tree species - for example: 50% beech, 30% maple and 20% mixed. Measures applicable to the entire area can then be entered, such as training pruning, early clearing, repair work or the removal of tree supports."

All of this data can now be quickly recorded digitally in the app in relation to the total area of a stand of trees in the input fields provided - efficiently using pen or voice input.

EineStadt BaumApp am Pc

Practical application of recording Tree Populations

If, for example, the entire tree population of a residential complex is to be recorded on behalf of a property management company, e.g. for "stocktaking" and the resulting award of a contract, it is not uncommon for there to be smooth transitions between the different sizes of trees and shrubs. In order to avoid the cumbersome and time-consuming task of documenting each small tree individually, the specially developed feature of area recording is ideal.

In addition to tree care companies, forestry administrations, building yards and green offices also use the application to manage their forest and wooded areas. The individual adaptability to customers and their wishes makes this digital option for tree maintenance an all-rounder.

When recording areas, it is also possible to work without NFC tags and only equip each tree with a tag when it becomes relevant to traffic safety.

EineStadt Software am Smartphone

Other options in addition to Tree Recording

The basic functions of the application also make everyday work easier for tree expert Ingo Kessler: "The use of electronic tags enables us to quickly and clearly identify an individual tree. The maintenance-free badge is simply read by touching it with a smartphone or tablet, and the data sheet for the tree in question then opens automatically in the NFC app.

New information about each tree can now be entered and transmitted to all users of the system in real time. "As soon as the electronic tag is touched, it can also be proven that I was on site and recorded all the tree data and carried out the regular traffic safety checks," confirms Ingo Kessler.

Thanks to automated work documentation and an integrated reminder function for upcoming inspections and maintenance work, it is easier to ensure compliance with road safety obligations. Local authorities and companies are therefore on the safe side.

Even external employees can be integrated directly into the software, allowing jobs to be assigned quickly and effectively. If this is not desired, PDF reports can also be easily generated from the system so that a case can still be viewed on paper and the recommended measures can then be decided upon.

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