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Digital Winter Service: Wackersdorf is ready for winter

Current weather models are forecasting cold temperatures again for the coming winter. In many parts of Germany, this means ice and snow - and therefore slippery roads. According to forecasts, the winter road clearance service in German cities will have a lot to do. And Wackersdorf will also have to be reliably cleared and gritted again.

For the Bavarian municipality, this means that three Unimogs with snow plows are clearing the larger roads in the districts. Small municipal vehicles are used to clear the smaller streets and alleyways. Bus stops, sidewalks and cemeteries are cleared and gritted by hand.

Bauhofleiter Wackersdorf im Einsatzfahrzeug
Bauhofleiter Herr Keil im Einsatzfahrzeug

Winter Service in Wackersdorf: The path towards digitalization

In previous years, Wackersdorf not only had to contend with snow and ice in winter, but also with other typical problems:

Documenting the winter service on paper was often time-consuming and complicated. And organizing the trips was also a new challenge every day. As it was not possible to track who was where in real time, it was difficult to determine whether every road had really been cleared.

First Mayor Thomas Falter and the building yard agreed that an efficient, digital solution should be developed together.

Digitalization also means change, but initial uncertainty has now been dispelled. However, new steps had to be taken, particularly at employee level. In order to eliminate any ambiguity on the subject of data protection, a document was presented to the staff council that made it clear which employee data was being recorded. "The fact that a Winter Service App automatically stops recording when employees leave the road was particularly convincing," says a senior employee, adding: "Ultimately, recording the distance traveled is also about employee safety."

EineStadt reliably digitizes the Winter Service in Wackersdorf

In the search for a suitable system for winter maintenance, the decision was quickly made in favor of EineStadt, as its application was already routinely used in Wackersdorf by the building yard for the inspection and maintenance of playgrounds, dog stations, seating areas, road damage, green spaces and building inventory. After the license was acquired, the cloud-based system was set up by the EineStadt team. The building yard then received a short, informative training session, after which it was ready to go: a test drive was successfully completed. "The recording of my route works perfectly," says the Wackersdorf depot manager happily during the first drive. The roads that have been driven are shown in green on the clear map; those that have not yet been driven remain red.

How the digital Winter Service works in Wackersdorf - (winter)day after day

digitaler Winterdienst am PC

Construction yard employee Mr. Müller pulls out his smartphone while still at home, looks into the EineStadt maintenance software and sees the job that is generated every night around 1 a.m.

He looks out of the window. It has snowed a few centimetres and the outside thermometer shows sub-zero temperatures. Today he can't simply ignore the job. He confirms it and informs his employees by phone. By 4 a.m., seven people are on the road.

Mr. Müller clips his smartphone into the holder on the windscreen of his winter service vehicle, opens the digital map and presses the "Play" button. All routes in his zone are now displayed in red. He starts his journey and sees how the parts of his route he has driven on turn yellow and then green. "That's how it should be, finally I don't have to remember everywhere I've been," thinks Mr. Müller.

digitaler winterdienst kalender

During the journey, his location is always visible, represented by a blue dot on the map. The red "Record symbol" in EineStadt pulsates throughout the recording. And the tracking also works offline: as soon as Mr. Müller is back in the reception area, light green lines turn dark green.

Read here in detail about the functionality and features of the digital winter service with EineStadt!

Easy start, successful implementation - Wackersdorf is delighted with the digital winter service

An up-to-date road network from the local surveying office is required for the digital winter service. Employees then only need a tablet or smartphone with Android or iOS, a mount for the windscreen - and a license from EineStadt. And you're ready to go!

T. Falter, first mayor of the municipality, is delighted: "The EineStadt app reduces bureaucracy and makes communication and workflows much easier. The versatile options for winter services have convinced us."

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