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Public Service in the Home Office: Remote Management with EineStadt

EineStadt – digitale Hausverwaltung mit NFC App
Kontaktlose Objektverwaltung und Arbeitssteuerung

Digitalization, Covid and Co: Why the Public Sector is suddenly working from home

Corona may have been the decisive factor at the time for cities and municipalities to rethink or break up the traditional way of working in the office: This crisis made it necessary for institutions such as the building yard and other public service and municipal administration departments to work from home or remotely. They had to take care to protect themselves and their employees - in order to preserve the health and workforce of the city's employees.

For the building yard, for example, this initially meant change: meetings or morning meetings were canceled - how does the building yard management now efficiently distribute tasks? How is work documented if it is necessary to avoid touching folders, files and sheets? How do employees communicate with each other if they are not supposed to "see" each other?

Topics such as digitalization, modern working methods, flexible working models and Work 4.0 also require a rethink: More and more traditional professions and areas relating to the public sector and city administration are recognizing the benefits of working from home: working hours are becoming more flexible, commutes are being eliminated, work and family can often be better combined - and so on.

City Administration and Public Services working from home: how does it work?

Despite the new circumstances, it is important that building yards, public utilities and administrations continue to work in a fail-safe and efficient manner, even when working from home. Citizens' sense of security must be maintained and trust in public institutions must be preserved despite the crisis.

The EineStadt maintenance software provides all of this - an application that digitizes public tasks and thus finally enables public services and administration to work from home. When placing an order, the upcoming work can be distributed to all employees who accept the order and confirm it once it has been successfully completed. The building yard management can conveniently track how the tasks are processed and document inspections and maintenance in the EineStadt building yard software. Employees receive the tasks on their cell phone or tablet and can then theoretically start work from home - including recording working hours using EineStadt.

This has also brought advantages for the pandemic: contacts at the building yard have been significantly reduced, for example when employees borrow tools from the building yard, so they can work completely autonomously with EineStadt. The documentation of work and inspections is completely paperless in EineStadt, and coordination with colleagues and the allocation of tasks is also possible in the NFC app.

EineStadt is the office in your pocket for every local government employee.

Are you curious?

Read more about the digitalization of municipal utilities with EineStadt here.


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